Deliverable D3.3 – System-level assessment framework for the quantification of available flexibility for enabling new grid services

Deliverable D3.3 assesses the available flexibility of distributed generation and new loads, and their impact on operational planning of the electricity network under different conditions.

March 2022
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The EUniversal project aims to facilitate the use of flexibility services and to link distribution system’s active management with electricity markets.

Deliverable D3.3 assesses the available flexibility of distributed generation and new loads, and their impact on operational planning of the electricity network under different conditions.

Distribution System Operators (DSO) may procure flexibility services, rather than reinforcing the grid, which might be costly and take time. However, the question when and how to organize such Local Flexibility Markets (LFM) is still an open debate.

In this context and based on simulations of a detailed electricity distribution grid, deliverable D3.3 contributes to this discussion in two ways:

  1. First, we aim at characterizing the issues (mainly congestions and under- or over-voltages): when, how often, how long and where are issues happening. This is relevant information to define the products to be traded in LFM.
  2. Second, we provide insights about the solutions and the interaction of various assets located at different places in the grid (low and medium voltage in particular). This helps defining the geographical scope of LFM and their performance compared to regulatory solutions.

In this document, you will find:

  • A review of existing initiatives and related product definitions
  • Results and insights from optimal power flow simulations of a realistic and detailed test MV/LV network

This deliverable was jointly produced by Engie Impact, IEN and INESC TEC


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