EUniversal – The UMEI API

A new feature is available at the project website! The UMEI consists on a set of OpenAPI specifications which allows for the exchange of information between DSOs, FMOs, and FSPs for the purpose of mobilisation and activation flexibility, without the need for a central platform or mediator system.

September 2022

With the development of solutions and services that allow the massive integration of the Distributed Generation (DG), energy storage, and the active participation of consumers, the EUniversal project aims to tailor the concept of the Universal Market Enabling Interface (UMEI).

The UMEI will look to overcome the limitations that Distribution System Operators (DSOs), experience in the use of flexibilities, addressing the interlinking of electricity markets with active system management.

The EUniversal project aims to develop a universal approach on the use of flexibility by DSO and their interaction with the new flexibility markets, enabled through the development of the UMEI.

The UMEI has materialized in the conceptual architecture design and the implementation of a standard, agnostic, adaptable, and modular combination of different APIs to link DSOs and market parties with flexibility market platforms, in coordination with other flexibility users. This approach allows distributed communication without the need for a central hub.

The UMEI consists of publicly available APIs, allowing any stakeholder to adopt them or to develop new APIs concerning new services while complying with the UMEI interface specification.

This version will be tested within the demonstration efforts, namely in Portugal, Germany, and Poland, and improved according to the collected insight.

The UMEI is publicly available on GitHub, and on the project website, allowing for any stakeholder (DSO, Market Operator, Aggregators, Consumer, and even TSO) to adopt it or to extend it concerning new services while complying with the UMEI interface specification.


Access “Deliverable 2.6 – The UMEI API management and documentation” if you are interested in learning more.

Deliverable EUniversal UMEI