Platone Final Conference 2023 

On 28 June, the EU-funded Platone project presented the learnings and achievements of its nearly four years of activities during the Final Conference “Digitalize DSOs to Unlock Flexibility” and EUniversal was present.

July 2023

On 28 June, the EU-funded Platone project presented the learnings and achievements of its nearly four years of activities during the Final Conference “Digitalize DSOs to Unlock Flexibility” and EUniversal was present. 

Platone is a H2020 (ES-1 call) sister project of EUniversal, and produced a set of open source outputs, including a blockchain to allow for flexibility smart contracts.   

The event started with a keynote on the topic “DSOs Face the Future” by Luis Cunha, Director of European Policies and Projects at E-Redes and Vice-chair of ETIP SNET. He emphasized that the challenges brought by increasing electrification and renewables connections will be overcome by striking the optimal balance between grid investment and the use of flexibility. 

There was also a Panel Discussion, “Open Source to Accelerate the Energy Transition”, moderated by Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH) where Pedro Marques (EUniversal Project Coordinator, E-REDES) was representing our beloved project and presented the EUniversal view on the advantages and challanges of open source implementations from the point of view of DSOs.  

On the pannel was accompanied by a team of speakers from different companies and different locations:  Antonello Monti (TAC Representative to the Board, TAC Chair, Technical Lead, SOGNO, Linux Foundation Energy), Marc Pape (Team Lead Processes, Infrastructure & API, envelio, E.ON Group) and Maurizio Bigoloni (Head of Grid Control Italy, Siemens).  

If you missed the event, you can watch the recording here
