SNIPPET School 2022 event

EUniversal project was introduced, highlighting the latest developments and published deliverables.

October 2022

The SNIPPET project organized a school on “Secure P2P energy trading: From theory to practice” from 16th to 21st of  October 2022, in the Minoa Palace Resort, in Crete.

SNIPPET assesses the impact of a decentralised peer-to-peer electricity trading system on the current energy market value chain, the changing roles of different core stakeholders and the identification of new players.

Nilufar Neyestani (VITO) addressed the presentation ““Peer to Peer trading and system services for DSOs”,  that analyzed the physical layer of the Peer-2-Peer (P2P) trading and its impacts on the electric network , showcasing the implications of the P2P trading for the flexibility requirements of the system. The results obtained from H2020 projects that studied problems with the same objective were presented. In this context, EUniversal project was introduced, highlighting the latest developments and published deliverables.

Watch the live session presentation!


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